☼ Celebration of the Bear

- Saturday April 25th! @800pm est
- Central Shroud: X13.2 Y18.3 | Use the White Wolf Gate (Gridania)
- (IC) Along the White Maiden River

The White Maiden Wolves are celebrating the season through feats of skill and strength to pay homage to their demi-patron, The Bear. Come willing One and All to the North Shroud and test your might in trial and combat!Only natural weapons of fist, foot, and claw are permitted, so hone your talents!
- Wrestling
- Feats of Strength and Fortitude
- and of course FEASTING!

Past to Present

From their homeland of Meracydia, the descendants of The Wolf traversed the frigid seas into the lands of Eorzea, where over the generations, they began to divide themselves across the land. However, a tribe among the diverging many kept to the thick woodlands of the Black Shroud, and in their search for the foundation the tribe could be built upon, they rooted themselves along the White Maiden River of the Northern Shroud and extended their territory with each generation soon calling themselves Ahhegrohiik.Over time, the reach of the tribe encompassed the entirety of the resourceful river, but in the pursuit of security for the tribe’s continuation, the branches of the tree stretched along the river and further into the Shroud. Going as far to soon align themselves with Keepers clans in which bonded heavily with them. Though with the passage of time and unfortunate events the tribe died out and only now in the current era have they resurfaced once more, hoping to bring forth the name of the Wolf.

Restoration and Rebirth

The fall of The Wolves false-god has left an opening among the ranks to be filled. The disloyal and turned culled and wandering from the ranks, the longevity of the Pack was thought to dissipate under strained conditions. However, as long as there are diligent souls within its ranks and spirits set to revitalize its name, The Pack can and will live on.Even if it must cater to other powers to do so.In the end, the Strength, Might, and Glory of The Wolf is on the rise under the blessing of The Great Hunter.

What WE Need

An individual can tell a story, but they are merely whispers on the wind without an audience to hear them. Everyone has their expectations for experiences and stories to share. We of the Wolf are no exception.

  • Activity | Event attendance at LEAST once a week

  • Communal | A willingness to provide for and work with the members of The Pack (FC)

  • Story-Driven | Activity based not only around event attendance, but individual plot lines/events.

What WE Offer

  • Active plot-lines and missions with The Twin Adder Grand Company. [ Both Militant and Free-form ]

  • Promotion opportunities [ Reflective of Player/Character involvement ]

  • Player and Guild-driven narrative. Evolving story based on In-Character events.


A Compendium of Old World Lore for the White Maiden WolvesBecause we all start from somewhere
To the beginning

Life in the Pack

Structure and Morals

From the early teaching of the First Wolf Tribe, the core of its structure had always been fixed to value the independence of the pack while nurturing its family orientated community. Loyalty, Strength, Fortitude and a Self of Purpose, were the fundamental attributes expected of each soul. Overtime, the traditional structure of the Seeker Hierarchy came to pass, with the exception of the Nunh’s mating rites. Pack belief maintained that strength and vitality were more important for the longevity and harmony of the pack rather than keeping to the archaic rites that would risk a dwindle in numbers.This practice allowed for kinsmen and allies alike to reign under a more unified, rather than a competitive, fount, nourishing the bonds to promote a healthier foundation of growth within The Black Shroud.

The Pack

W'hkanRaak KonaarUnknownLink
Yi'gen JhungidSachem32Link
Sw'inwa RaenGanagati22Link
Tikayla VataGanohalidohiUnknownNone
W'khovu TIaGanohalidohi26None
W'kaagyiyhe HkanAcolyte 24Link
W'ceriDiniyoli8 monthsNPC/Child
W'taliDiniyoli8 monthsNPC/Child

The pack in character consists of a total of 45 members along with the player characters.
Majority encountered will be notably guards and or sentries that are often patrolling the territory.
The same can be said within the territory during times of rest.

Servants of the Shroud

Punished for Redemption

After the False God of the Wolf was brought low, there were more bodies to count in the wake than those that had been tempered by its influence. And though the call to rid the Shroud of the blight had been heeded, it was not without resentment from the native woodland’s caretakers.Under decree of The Twin Adders, The Wolves were stripped of their territory and cast from their lands as reparation for the damage dealt to the land cared for by many, and any baring the name were to be incarcerated on sight. Perhaps an unjust blow to the souls within the territory that had little to do with the uprise and fall of the tempered, but one the Pack acknowledged without contest. And for a time, the territory was still.

Twin Adder Allegiance

Stubborn and resolute the wolf wouldn't stay far from their lands for long. Beckoned by the calling of the Great Hunter as well their furious desire to continue living on their ancestral lands no matter the threat. With this stubborn desire to have what was their soon created an agreement between the known protectors of the Shroud and the tribe.Upon agreement between the Raak Konaar of the Wolf and the Seedseers council the tribe was made to be a militant force to be used under their discretion. A hidden force within the Twin adders as payment to return to their homelands and continue own with their culture and traditions. Though even if this is the beginning it is surely not the end, among this agreement brings a tight leash as they are forever watched by the Seedseers so what had happen would not come to fruition again.

Direct Action (DA)

Either overt or covert action against an enemy force. Seize, damage, or destroy a target; capture or recover personnel or material in support of strategic/operational objectives or conventional forces.

Counter terrorism (CT)

Offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism. Preempt or resolve terrorist incidents. Interagency activity using highly specialized capabilities.

Heretical Warfare (HW)

A broad spectrum of military and paramilitary operations conducted in enemy-held, enemy-controlled or politically sensitive territory. HW includes, but is not limited to, the interrelated fields of guerilla warfare, evasion and escape, subversion, sabotage, and other operations of a low visibility, covert or clandestine nature. Conduct a broad spectrum of military and paramilitary operations.

Service to the Pack

The body of the Pack is structured by four divisions, each benefiting the other and those within. Each is headed by their own Lead, while the Konaar stands as Head over them all.

- The Protectors [ Alisdelisgi ] - Fortifiers of the house and home and wolves therein. Each is charged with addressing potential threats that may pass through the Ayawisqi’s sights, as well as ensuring the wellbeing of the wolves within the territory. At times, they will be called to restrain the more unruly of the pack—especially patients of the Ganagati that refuse to cooperate.- The Sentinels [ Ayawisgi ] - These brave wolves patrol the territory along the White Maiden River to ensure no unwelcomed guests or predators make their way into the land. Each is responsible for keeping the boundary lines marked by routinely taking shifts. At times, they may be charged with mapping land to further the pack’s territorial claim, but never without the expressed permission of the Alpha or the Lead Protector.- Ganahalidohi [ The Hunters ] - All wolves are expected to know how to hunt in some fashion, however this rank is bestowed to those with an exceptionally high degree of accuracy, skill, and perception during pack hunts. They are responsible for keeping the pack fed even during lean times.- Ganagati [ The Healers ] - The more medically and holistically inclined wolves of the pack. They are not always required to leave the territory for tasks, but if called, they are able to defend themselves and the wolves by alternative means. They are charged with tending to the sick, young, and elders of the pack.